You might feel that only someone with a lot of luck would be able to create or increase their wealth. However, you may not believe that it is a myth.
Pakistan is one of the world's most important Muslim nations.There are so many children's who live and abused by adults.
Domestic and family violence is violent, abusive or intimidating behavior in a relationship. This relationship can be a partner, carer or family member.
The 30s is the age when a woman completely identify herself. It is important for a woman to go on regular health screening and medical checkups.
Tia McCarthy was born with a condition called Oesophageal Atresia. She refused to eat anything for the first ten years.
Ships have great role in all wars in history, many battles have been fought and won because of ships, many innocent lives have also been taken out by mighty war ships.
Norman Llewellyn was born in 1949 in Todd
Sleepwalking occurs during slow wave sleep stage and is the combination of sleep and wakefulness, in chronic cases it can result to assault or the death of someone else.
Malee Duangdee, a 15 year old is among those children who have reached excessive height; at the age of 13 years she was 6 Feet 10 Inches.
Despite of having just half body he is great enthusiasts, meet Christian Arndt who has no arms, no legs, his weight is just 20 Kg, he plays video game with chin