Quickly Getting through a Large Group of People


Alvish Asher

. 5 min read

Our how to stay calm in a mob guide comes straight from the department of going with the flow. Preparedness is always a good idea, but it's more important right now, during World Cup 2018. Depending on the circumstances, a large gathering of visitors and football fans from all over the globe might be quite dangerous. Perhaps even rock shows. or the endless food queues at a buffet. Some of the hungry crowd could get violent. To what extent are you unaware? What should you do if you find yourself in a tense mob? Have no fear, we've got this covered for you. One effective strategy is to utilize video chat with friends, family, or even emergency services to stay connected and ensure your safety.

Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Navigating Crowded Spaces

First, you should look about you

When you're already among the frantic individuals looking for a method to live, this piece of advice is, of course, meaningless. But it's a good idea to get this out of the way first. Each location open to the general public is required by law to provide a means of rapid egress in the event of an emergency. Make it a habit to always spend the extra five minutes to study the exit map, memorize the location of the nearest emergency exits, and choose two alternate exits before entering a crowded or otherwise chaotic area.

Take Windows as an example

Indeed, it seems pointless at first, but it's preferable to err on the side of caution. As a second piece of advice, try to locate a vantage position. During the outset of a panic attack, a group of individuals may quickly transform into a raging torrent of mayhem. It just takes one strong blow to knock you off your feet, and the results might be disastrous. Sometimes, at a period of widespread fear, it's best to pick a high point and wait it out rather than follow the rest of the terrified mob for the exit.

Anything of sufficient height will do, such as a bar, counter, piece of furniture, etc

One may also use a tree as a vantage point if they are outdoors. Do your best to avoid blindly following the herd. Instead, you should assess the predicament and rely on your own survival abilities to get out. Third, you should shorten your arms. This isn't some kind of "pop-in" orthopedic procedure. You have to realise that it is always difficult to move about amid a scared throng. In addition, it may be quite difficult to get air during a stampede.

The alternative to pushing people away is likely to be being pushed aside yourself

Conversely, having shorter arms will make it easier to cover up and shield oneself in times of danger. And give yourself some breathing room from the other folks who seem to be panicked around you. Not bad, especially in light of your current circumstances. Fourthly, wherever possible, try to avoid rooms or passageways that are very tight. Constricting doorways, turns, and corridors. During a public panic, these areas pose the most threat.

Trying to escape via a confined corridor greatly reduces your odds of making it out alive

The mob may easily push you into a corner or knock you down, and the likelihood that anybody will stop to assist you is low. There needs to be another exit if you're in a massive building like a stadium. Seek it out and try to locate it. In order to communicate with people, the number five piece of advice is to learn sign language.

This feeling of terror just won't go away

As a matter of fact, its size continues to expand. Do nothing once you find yourself among a group of fearful individuals to make them even more afraid of you. Shouting or loud weeping won't help, but will just add to the panic. It's important to maintain composure and wait for the right moment to act. Use your hands and face to convey your message if you need anything from another person.

Several options exist for doing this

Either wave point or rely on your eyes. But, if you really must speak now, try to keep your tone even and relaxed. In a large group, people tend to act as a unit and share the feelings of those around them, so your anxiety will rapidly spread. Sixth Piece of Advice: Identify a Workable Exit Strategy. As we've said previously, following the herd isn't always the best course of action. Sometimes it's best to go it alone and figure out how to live on your own terms. This holds true even more so when you're outside in the fresh air.

Of course, it's reasonable if you're trying to rescue a loved one

Some individuals, however, will go back and try to retrieve a fallen item, such as a phone or watch. Take a breath and ask yourself whether it will pay off. At the scuse me, I thought I dropped my phone here, the crowd's dynamic may swiftly shift and turn against you. Therefore consider carefully before making a drastic course correction. As simple as it seems, it won't be. Eighth piece of advice, try the accordion.

The Accordion Move was proposed by Paul Wertheimer, the chief of crowd control tactics

The basic idea is easy to grasp. There is usually a pause after being pushed forward by the throng. in the manner of a wave. It's time to make a move now that things have calmed down. Moving in a diagonal direction between clusters of individuals is the most efficient method. Taking a few lateral steps results in yet another wave of searching. Now that it's gone, I'll take a few more steps during the next lull.

This will bring you to the exit much more quickly than you anticipate

A last piece of advice is to keep going. If you can't locate a safe place to hide or a high vantage point, just follow the others. Trying to go against the masses on your own will drain you of all your strength. Considering that only six or seven individuals may exert a force equal to one thousand pounds, it's enough to bend steel railings.

Take a step ahead or to the side and don't turn around

Always be on the lookout for more efficient and secure methods of achieving your goal. Escape the madding throng. If you trip, attempt to get up as soon as possible. If you have to crawl, do it in sync with the mob if at all feasible. It's not your day if you can't even accomplish that. Ultimately, your only option is to take precautions. Never get into bed face down or on your back; doing so puts unnecessary strain on your already vulnerable lungs.


In conclusion, staying calm and being prepared can greatly increase your chances of staying safe in a tense mob situation. By being aware of your surroundings, following the advice provided, and making rational decisions, you can take steps to protect yourself and navigate through the situation as safely as possible.