
Published in

Brain Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Cause &Cure



. 2 min read


ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADHD, commonly known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological illness that produces distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsive symptoms. Because there are still people who are not knowledgeable of what ADHD is. They may say things that are cruel and affirming or even discriminating. So to prevent this, here are five things you should never say to someone with ADHD and what you should say instead.

Comments to avoid

1. Everyone gets distracted from you:

While distraction is common, but one should try to understand their mental state and avoid to say comment like this.

2 You need to try harder: Saying like this can be discouraging and invalid. Sometimes they are not in the state of understanding things or managing with their disorder.
3 You are just being lazy: Calling someone lazy overlooks the underlying mental issues.
4 ADHD is just an excuse: This implies that individuals are using their diagnosis to avoid responsibility, which may be quite invalid for their real problems.
5 You will not grow out of it: While some disorders may change with age, saying comments like this may break their hopes and self confidence. This comment can create false hope or invalidate current struggles.

How to show support

1. Try to understand their good or bad intensions:

Although you may be saying it because a lot of people dispute an ADHD diagnosis. Since others may claim it's just children being children, or they have always been clumsy and inattentive, it's just their nature. Accurate one when a healthcare expert looks at their history, performs family interviews and medical, neurological, and psychological testing. So don't go about questioning if they're sure it's ADHD or not.

2 You only need to have self-control:

Advising a person with ADHD to have greater self-control is like telling someone with alcoholism. To quit drinking, it's not beneficial and it's inconsiderate. People with ADHD tend to be inconsistent because of their symptoms. They may be able to complete a job effortlessly one day then experience enormous difficulties doing it again the next, but this doesn't indicate they have less self-control. Instead, they probably had to put in even more attention and effort to get the task done.

 3 You may attempt to imagine what they are going through:

 Unless you have the illness yourself, you probably can't really appreciate what it's like why? You may attempt to imagine what they're going through. Listening to them and educating yourself on the matter, expressing that you totally connect to them may make it look like you're downplaying their illness. Oftentimes when you say this, you may be truly connecting to some of their symptoms, such as forgetfulness, distractibility, hyperactivity, or and inattention. But not everyone who has these qualities has ADHD.

4 Provide a good medical treatment:

People diagnosed with the condition face symptoms that are far more intense and demanding to the point where it greatly affects their own lives and relationships but if you do share the same symptoms and it's starting to affect your way of living, please visit a healthcare professional to get an accurate diagnosis.

5 Create a Supportive Environment:

Use encouraging and supportive language. Avoid negative and critical comments. A structured environment can make a significant difference.


ADHD presently has no cure. As a consequence, persons with the illness may occasionally suffer emotions of despondency. So try to tell them from time to time that they are liked and respected for who they are. ADHD should not prohibit you from enjoying life to the fullest, so make sure to let them know that they are awesome and that their circumstances should not limit them from accomplishing great things.