We have compiled the ultimate list of top 15 Pakistani movies that you shouldn't miss, these left a greater social impact.
Friends play an important role in our social life. As human beings are social, we need someone to support us and be with us through the ups and downs of life.
The IBM Research Group on Computational Psychiatry and Neuroimaging is working to use computer training to predict the risk of developing psychosis
For several years, the Google Play Store has sold around all types of media, but there is another category that the company is now recruiting audiobooks.
In the modern world of modern technology, it is very difficult to find someone without a smartphone or tablet in hand.
Make a few quick bucks will not hurt anyone. It's good to have small side tasks to make some stream of greens in your pocket. To do the work in the market to really work is very tiring.
Paul and Amanda Craig are blind and disabled. They live in a townhouse in Bicester, Oxon with their six children. They are independent.
If a human being can learn from a copyright-protected book, can a machine also learn from it, Reben recently recommended to Engadget.
English histrion Leslie Ash noted for prima within the BBC broadcast Men Behaving Badly presents a documentary concerning cosmetic surgery, exploring its advantages, issues, and pitfalls in a mostly unregulated trade.
It did not take long for somebody to topple 2017's microSD storage record. The UK's Integral Memory has undraped what it says it the primary shipping 512GB microSD card.